Orange Label Target
Orange labeled
target printed
on 8 1/2" X 11" paper stock has a 3" diamond shaped aiming point with a
1 1/2" center is intended for 9X - 12X scoped firearms @ 100
yards/meters or twice the magification @ 200 yards/meters. Within
the small white center is a .500" blue diamond surrounding a .400" white
circle which may be used as a "double-check" for the
target's center or "halo" a dot reticle. There is a
2" diameter circle with a 1" inner-circle, superimposed and centered 2
1/2" above the center of the diamond that is provided as a long range
"sight-in" area for shot placement 2" to 3" above the point of aim @ 100
yards/meters. This is a common point-of-impact "sight-in" for long
range, open country hunting.
(c) 2006 - 2017 Mills Computer